Wargaming did it again. With recent update some historical data for removed warships has been deleted. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do at the moment. The data for periods will repair itself. 😢😢😢

Таблиця лідерів кланів

  • Мінімум 15 членів клану
  • Усі члени клану з видимим обліковим записом
  • Мінімум 500 боїв на члена клану

Клан Кількість членів Кількість активних гравців Перемоги PR Середня шкода Strength Total Strength Кланові битви
1 [3X] Triple Strike 26 17 64.82% 2 268 90 531 76 99
2 [MIO] MOE! MOE! KYUN! 48 39 59.36% 1 777 86 980 76 95
3 [CONDE] Conquerors Over Nautical Deeds in Europe 28 9 57.35% 1 788 85 046 62 75
4 [APCR] Absolute Penetration Composite Rigid 50 37 59.31% 1 855 83 761 80 97
5 [RESIN] I can't push, I am encased in RESIN 48 27 62.11% 2 116 83 630 73 100
6 [AP] Absolute Penetration 38 19 62.35% 2 016 83 099 82 98
7 [DF-41] 东风41 49 31 56.36% 1 618 82 881 65 81
8 [SCCC] Seal Cub Clubbing Club 50 26 62.99% 2 047 82 085 77 99
9 [KSC] Kill Steal Confirmed 33 15 62.61% 2 064 80 884 73 100
10 [NHK] 日本放送協会 - Nippon Hōsō Kyōkai 48 24 62.64% 2 208 79 137 73 97
11 [MPIRE] E M P I R E 23 8 62.38% 2 132 78 621 66 95
12 [PFANS] Pure Friendship And New Stories 44 38 57.29% 1 662 78 275 74 91
13 [NMYW] 横須賀女子海洋学院陽炎型航洋艦晴風 30 16 56.98% 1 675 78 208 59 76
14 [-BN-] Buenas Noches 49 36 58.65% 1 801 77 884 81 99
15 [AL-1S] 基沃托斯综合体 28 8 56.38% 1 586 77 593 56 71
16 [MZY] 只有美汁源可以吗 39 10 54.88% 1 540 77 526 63 76
17 [BONKZ] Go to Horny Jail 2' Electric Boogaloo 49 36 61.42% 1 908 77 450 81 100
18 [SALTY] SALTY 46 33 61.44% 1 934 75 584 74 96
19 [-NACL] NaCl Overload 47 29 60.18% 1 830 75 140 76 98
20 [CCTV1] China Central Television 1 - 中国中央电视台综合频道 34 24 56.44% 1 613 75 024 62 79
21 [TWT] TWT/TAT/OVO/O3O/OMO Naval Fleet Training Base 40 17 55.23% 1 569 74 887 70 85
22 [83079] Ohio Devastating Strike Provider Co.Ltd 35 13 52.07% 1 361 74 529 43 54
23 [AISLE] Clean Up On Aisle 5 48 42 58.88% 1 719 74 438 77 97
24 [G-F] Grand Fleet 36 13 56.13% 1 619 74 198 67 85
25 [RNF] Ryuugajou Nanana's Fighters 29 2 62.07% 1 975 74 184 57 77
26 [-K-] Kraken 35 23 60.98% 1 919 73 340 73 96
27 [HYPE] No Sleep and High ALLLLLLL Day 49 22 59.29% 1 734 72 586 75 94
28 [MI_KU] MIKU 19 5 53.55% 1 415 72 278 54 57
29 [4X] Triple Strike 2 48 36 58.89% 1 808 72 209 74 97
30 [HS-F] HighSeas Fleet 18 4 55.05% 1 535 72 101 59 74
31 [HATE] Misanthrope 48 23 55.94% 1 659 72 074 60 88
32 [ANKER] Anker 25 11 60.23% 1 959 71 923 67 87
33 [KSD] Kill Steal Denied 40 30 59.66% 1 833 71 127 73 96
34 [NOCAP] don't account share in kots 23 14 57.59% 1 699 71 034 49 60
35 [ATRI] 好吃就是高兴! 29 3 51.52% 1 338 70 968 45 52
36 [DDAYZ] Honoring those who made Ultimate sacrifice on trhe sands of Normandy 43 30 54.12% 1 537 70 031 58 83
37 [BBK] BBKing 32 11 53.41% 1 369 69 532 51 67
38 [OMONO] In a Galaxy far far away, OMONO is the real YODO... 32 9 52.56% 1 364 69 186 45 55
39 [RNA] Rise of the Navy of the Apes 21 10 56.37% 1 722 69 172 58 77
40 [UED] United Elder Drivers 34 13 56.08% 1 538 69 009 61 79
41 [TB-] Thalassa's Blessing 48 5 54.91% 1 509 68 861 54 72
42 [RGB] Rampage Ghosts Battleground 30 2 59.65% 1 852 68 826 53 78
43 [XLDS] Exiliados 20 15 57.21% 1 665 68 579 60 82
44 [NTAI] Not Trying Anything Important 22 9 58.26% 1 817 68 336 46 63
45 [5X] Triple Strike 3 27 18 56.29% 1 617 68 283 58 78
46 [AE86] Refugee Camp 50 23 53.46% 1 340 67 899 57 79
47 [KIRA] --(<ゝω・)☆~Kira -- Somewhere A Star Shines For Everyone -- Lucky~ -- 34 6 52.56% 1 367 67 868 40 48
48 [USAGI] USAGI - DAMBI 토끼와 담비 / 「아, 절대로 무리」 지뢰계 여동생 담비인 내가 부숴버린 오빠의 토끼씨 여자친구 43 32 53.5% 1 390 67 394 52 68
49 [AXE] Warriors of Valhalla 15 5 57.62% 1 793 67 201 53 76
50 [S1] stage1 18 1 58.79% 1 692 67 168 38 51
51 [KSE] Kill Steal Executed 38 29 56.91% 1 609 66 578 68 87
52 [WG-CC] WGA Comm. Contributors 26 0 62.85% 1 949 66 330 39 62
53 [ZIMO] KV Broadside and Dragon’s breath 35 5 51.3% 1 279 65 651 38 45
54 [EATO] EATO 48 12 53.82% 1 447 65 557 61 77
55 [FORM] The Formidables 22 4 58.07% 1 739 65 438 53 80
56 [FLASH] Flash-Escape 21 8 54.89% 1 512 65 323 49 64
57 [DAY] Re:Carrying the Game day by DAY 50 18 56.74% 1 589 65 094 57 79
58 [BGUNZ] You know what we mean pervert. 42 24 57.11% 1 672 64 946 63 87
59 [TNG-S] The New Guys - Social 40 18 57.38% 1 672 64 899 58 81
60 [LSP] Legendary Ship Players 26 6 54.97% 1 437 64 788 44 59
61 [D-SKY] Dark Sky at Morning 30 18 55.24% 1 563 64 608 62 84
62 [WFSDL] Wolfsrudel 48 24 56.88% 1 612 64 406 62 86
63 [FEAR_] FARMER EAST ASIA REBORN 25 11 55.67% 1 516 64 330 35 46
64 [PN] Penetration Nation 30 22 56.67% 1 595 64 029 65 86
65 [KIA] Killed In Action 37 13 57.25% 1 680 63 937 68 92
66 [-TXT-] The Xtreme Team 39 19 56.59% 1 657 63 592 62 87
67 [BSSE] Because Ships Sink Eventually 17 16 55.09% 1 491 63 575 52 69
68 [AAA] Angry Americans Armada 50 43 56.36% 1 642 63 394 61 88
69 [SIAS] Say It Aint So 29 10 53.51% 1 460 63 328 57 77
70 [-E-] Eternity 22 14 55.58% 1 535 63 247 46 69
71 [SQN23] 31 Knot Squadron 23 45 18 55.94% 1 603 63 039 57 85
72 [_STAR] STAR Constellation 24 6 53.91% 1 476 62 660 47 63
73 [KIA-A] Killed In Action-Australis 17 3 57.87% 1 735 62 559 52 77
74 [AE85] Corolla SR5 44 12 50.5% 1 228 62 307 46 61
75 [RUSHR] Rush Hour 47 23 54.9% 1 534 62 188 49 74
76 [WPS] What Purple Stats? 21 8 59.49% 1 835 61 922 47 72
77 [HRRM] Hakurei 19 3 54.34% 1 347 61 633 46 55
78 [WRECK] Wrecking Ship Orchestra 49 16 58.88% 1 643 61 559 57 82
79 [TNG-2] The New Guys - 2 39 27 55.34% 1 471 61 209 55 79
80 [NZBZ] nanzhenheizhan 24 9 51.14% 1 219 61 004 37 44
81 [CAPGO] CAPGO 47 31 53.59% 1 378 60 811 59 79
82 [INCA] INCARREABLES 41 33 53.79% 1 442 60 736 64 84
83 [LO-CP] OLD CAPTAIN FLEET[LAO CHUANZHANG JIANDUI] 17 3 49.95% 1 139 60 673 28 13
84 [MSIPP] MI, SSI, SSIP, MIP, SSI, PIPI 17 7 52.1% 1 313 60 243 43 50
85 [TORCH] Honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice on beaches of N. Africa 48 35 52.93% 1 385 60 095 54 76
86 [CMTN] Committee Nova 35 12 50.63% 1 263 59 965 36 38
87 [UEFN] United Earth Federation Navy 32 3 55.69% 1 614 59 893 45 69
88 [YPA] YPA!YPA!YPA! 30 11 51.71% 1 290 59 757 40 55
89 [OPGS] Overpowered Gaming Social 19 0 60.48% 1 820 59 590 51 79
90 [B_Y_F] Bei Yang Fleet 32 9 57.19% 1 696 59 579 47 70
91 [ECOM] Easy Company 25 1 57.62% 1 756 59 575 47 79
92 [AND3S] Armada Naval de Estados Sudamericanos 40 31 52.3% 1 344 59 535 59 76
93 [-YK0-] Y0L0 Kraken Overdrive 46 44 54.35% 1 384 59 473 63 80
94 [RIGID] Sea Captains Reward Every Win 33 24 55.12% 1 474 59 438 60 75
95 [NAIVE] Non-stop Accruing Immortalize Vita Elder (Membrane-frogging Magic +1s) 40 3 57.47% 1 651 59 325 51 80
96 [ICO] InCorrigibleOnes 50 41 53.19% 1 394 59 206 58 77
97 [--1S] xianyu 15 1 56.34% 1 562 59 097 40 56
98 [TXC] Toxic Battle Fleet 41 25 52.62% 1 348 58 965 55 71
99 [-ASN-] Armada del Sol Naciente 17 13 51.5% 1 296 58 859 42 57
100 [NH] New Hope 50 43 54% 1 420 58 856 57 74