Community [CVLUL] Join us playing new WOWS mode: Carrier Assault!!!
[KIA-E] Killed In Action Everytime
[SPICY] I think your existence is an insult to me at this very moment
Allies [LX] Lightning Strike
[THINK] The Thinktank
[JEDI-] Jedi Fleet
[HES] Hell's Satans
[PEKO7] CFA Enjoyers
[STG] Stigia - Secreto en el Humo
[-BN-] Buenas Noches
[GGWP] Good Game Well Played
[APEZ] Apes Alone Weak
[EPOXY] It's a bonding experience
[KIA-A] Killed In Action-Australis
[SCCC] Seal Cub Clubbing Club
[-KIA-] -Killed In Action-
[QADD3] Queen Anne's Dirty Deeds 3
[HATE] Misanthrope
[ADOPT] Adopt a Tomato
[SLAVO] Slaves To Our Salvos
[DO-IT] Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?
Enemies [WGCNM] WG Never Mind the Scandal and Liber
[STS-C] SteelSeries
[PWP] PWP Fleet